Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Working For the Weekend

And it's a payday weekend to boot though I'd say most of mine is out the door already. But one thing I will be getting is a new vacum cleaner- mine's given up the ghost and there is enough pet hair in this place to create several new pets with.

It's not that I don't like my job, because I do most of the time (except on a Monday when I start and end my day with the billing call from hell). It's just that I'm not in love with it right now. But a good thing is there are now brief, blessed moments of silence between calls. Blessed silence is a gift to a call center jockey as it gives you a minute to breathe and rest your voice. It's good that are more bodies to answer the phones and as it seems people will not stop calling (if they did I'd be out of a job). I'm just glad for the brief silence on my part and also that wait times are dropping.

Speaking of the weekend, now that the weather is turning nicer Friday's are now Darcy's day at the park (Saturdays are a mob scene and I'm not comfortable with her in a crowd yet). Maybe guy from last week will be there this Friday though if he is I will just introduce myself. That's a goal of mine- if I start chatting someone up is to introduce myself and at least get their name.

And now for a doggie LOL pic of the day:

Dog on the left is my roommate's dog and no, my Darcy did not photobomb here. She just looks like that pretty much all of the time.

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